Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 3, 2017


  Yesterday, my parents came home late again. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out that we are going to eat outside today. Unfortunately, I had already cook rice just in case I was wrong.vWhen my parents came home, it was already 6:30 pm. We went out to eat chicken hotpot at a hotpot restaurant near our house. We usually eat at that restaurant whenever we went out to eat. That night, my dad downloaded one of the most renowned movie of 2016, Arrival. In the beginning of this movie, we saw the main protagonist's, Louise, daughter's birth and her death because of cancer. Then, we see that the aliens had entered the Earth in twelve different locations. Louis was chosen to work at translating the alien's language. She worked with Ian. It was revealed later than those who mastered the language of the alien was able to look into the future and that the beginning of the movie was actually in the future. That movie was actually pretty interesting, though not one of the best movies I've watched for its lack of action.

  Today, I have a lot of quizzes. There was about four quizzes. When my mom went to get my younger sister home from school, I intended to ask her to took me to the Mipec Tower to buy some books at the Fahasa bookstore. But she said that if I go, there would be no one to lock the door for those who worked here. At last, my dad came home. I set out to the Mopec Tower after my dad came home. I first intended to buy The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. But I find some books better. One of them is The Diary of the Wimpy Kid. I used to have six books of this series, but I've sold them at one of my parents fair. This is the seventh book of the series. Another book that I buy was a book called Wild Man or something. In Vietnamese, it's called Người Hoang.


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