Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 3, 2017


  I just realized that I had forgotten to wrote blog entries for the last two days. That is why the first paragraphs of this entry will talk about the events that does not concern family business.

  On Tuesday, I asked my dad to download the movie V for Vendetta. V for Vendetta talked about a masked terrorist V who fight for freedom from the facist political party called Norsefire in England, lead by Adam Sutter, while killing all those who had imprisoned him in the past. He wore a Guy Fawkes mask to concealed his burnt face. Another protagonist is Evey Hammond. Together, they helped destroy the Parliament. That movie was quite interesting for me. What that got me into that movie is the past of V. I was really curious about who V was.

  On Wednesday, which was yesterday, my dad downloaded Mission Impossible I through Mission Impossible III and Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadow. This movie's antagonist, unlike its prequel, was real character from Authur Conan Doyles' book. The antagonist in this movie was Professor Moriaty. We initially watched Sherlock Holmes, which I had to turn on the volume quite high because it doesn't have subtitles. But because my dad doesn't like that movie and maybe because he can't understand what they said without the subtitles, we changed to Mission Impossible I. In this movie, Ethan Hunt, played by Tom Cruise, was framed for the death of his team. The CIA believed that he was the mole hired by an arms dealer to get the list of real names of agents. He had to run and found out who was the real mole and prove his innocence.

  Today, I doesn't go to the Mipec Tower to buy the USB as I have planned. Instead, I stayed home to play Team Fortress 2. There's a match in this game where I used the strategy that I called Engie's Fortress. How this strategy works is that I choose a corner and planted a sentry gun and a dispenser on the other two side. The sentry gun would kill the enemy, and the dispenser would provide me health and metal. They would also served as walls while I constantly fix them.

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